Investor Relations Program

Max’s Group established an investor relations program to inform the investing public of salient and material corporate developments.

Investor Relations Program


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Commodo adipiscing in egestas amet tristique. Vitae, laoreet viverra posuere dignissim sit. Lorem ipsum dolor

Modes of Communications

Modes of Communications

Sagittis rhoncus dis leo commodo vitae, platea non tempor. Commodo adipiscing in egestas amet tristique. Vitae, laoreet viverra posuere.

Featuring old max's restaurant

Transparency and Accessibility

Featuring old max's restaurant

The investor relations unit plays the lead role in formulating and carrying out policies related to the disclosure of relevant information to the public and regulators.

It also spearheads the implementation and monitoring of compliance to the Company’s Revised Manual of Corporate Governance.

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Contact Persons

Sagittis rhoncus dis leo commodo vitae, platea non tempor. Commodo adipiscing in egestas amet tristique. Vitae, laoreet viverra posuere.

Atty. Carmen A. Basallo-Estampador

Atty. Carmen A. Basallo-Estampador
+632 8424 2800 to 09+632 8424 2800 to 09
Atty. Marvin De Leon

Atty. Marvin De Leon
+632 8424 2800 to 09+632 8424 2800 to 09
John Dela Croix

John Dela Croix
+632 8424 2800 to 09+632 8424 2800 to 09
Jane Dela Croix

Jane Dela Croix
+632 8424 2800 to 09+632 8424 2800 to 09

2022 Annual Stockholders’ Meeting

Max’s Group, Inc. will be holding its 2021 Annual Stockholders’ Meeting (“Meeting”

or “ASM”) on Tuesday, 10 August 2022

at 8:00 a.m.

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Top Stockholders - December 2021

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